Email & Phishing Security Solutions

Protect users emails from security threats

Phishing scams and email threats are one of the most prevalent ways users can be infected by malware and lose data.

Email is the most widely used business tool in the world and is without borders. This great freedom and ease of use unfortunately brings its own issues and threats, email is an easy way to send viruses, unwanted messages (SPAM), leak data out of the organisation, send inappropriate content and vulnerable to Phishing attacks.  Our email security solutions, offer the leading technologies to combat these threats.

Email Security Solutions Provide the following security measures:  
  • Anti Malware to protect against malicious code in emails and attachments. This includes ransomware attacks and zero day exploits.  
  • Anti Phishing technology that can protect against phishing emails entering the organisation and disable malicious web links. 
  • Anti Spam – blocking spam emails either using IP address recognition from the sender’s email server, or a heuristic approach to identify junk content.  
  • Lexical analysis – which looks for inappropriate email language and data leakage through the email system. It can look into attachments as well as the main body of the email.  
  • Image analysis – again looks for inappropriate images or data leakage in the main body or as an attachment.  

Email security checks the above parameters of an email as it enters into the organisation, typically this looks against the organisations email policy. If an email does breach the policy there are a number of remediation’s that can be performed, these include quarantining the email, deleting it, allowing it through but reporting the event etc.  

Apstorm have years of experience with email security, for advice and help please talk to our knowledgeable staff.  

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